Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio
Bylaws of the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio
The name of this society shall be the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio.
The Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio is an organization of physicians, scientists, and other health professionals dedicated to the promotion and recognition of excellence in research, patient care, public health, and disease prevention and education in the field of infectious diseases. The purpose of the Society shall be to further clinical, epidemiological and scientific studies of infectious diseases, to promote the professional education of its members and members of the medical and allied health professions, and to improve care and prevention of infectious diseases in Ohio.
Physicians and all other members of the health profession interested in Infectious Diseases shall be eligible for membership in the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio, in accordance with the Bylaws of this organization. Membership shall not be denied or abridged because of sex, color, creed, race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or for any other reason unrelated to character or competence.
A. Regular Membership
Regular membership of the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio shall be limited to physicians holding a medical degree or individuals in the medical sciences holding a Ph.D. degree or its equivalent who have experience or special interest in Infectious Diseases. They shall be recommended by the Membership Committee and elected by a majority voice of the Executive Committee.
B. Associate (non-voting) Membership
Associate (non-voting) membership shall be available to other individuals who have experience or special interest in infectious diseases.
Meetings of the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio shall be held at least annually, and the Society shall be responsible for the scientific program. In addition, the Society may wish to participate with other professional societies in terms of joint meetings of a scientific nature.
There shall be dues per annum in the amount of $50.00 for all regular and associate members, payable to the Secretary-Treasurer at the beginning of the fiscal year. Any member whose dues are in arrears for one (1) year shall be dropped from membership in the Society unless the Executive Committee, after investigation, decides otherwise. Dues may be changed from year to year at the discretion of the Society, the precise amount to be determined by a majority vote of the Society at its annual meeting or by mail ballot of the entire Society.
Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a President-elect, a Secretary-Treasurer, and five or more (number to be determined by the executive committee) Representative Councilors. The President and President-Elect, are to be elected for a two (2) year term at every other annual meeting of the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer will serve a five-year term. Officers will be elected by written ballot of a majority of the chapter of active Society members. The term of the Representative Councilor shall be two (2) years. It shall be the general intent that the members of the Representative Councilors reflect the geographic, clinical and academic interests of the Society as determined by the nominating committee.
1. Executive Committee – There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the officers elected at the annual meeting plus the immediate past president of the Society.
2. Nominating Committee – There shall be a Nominating Committee, appointed by the President prior to each annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall commit at the annual meeting a slate of the elective positions named above.
3. Constitution and Bylaws Committee – There shall be a Constitution and Bylaws Committee, appointed annually by the President, to review and revise existing Constitution and Bylaws as they relate to the Society.
4. Program Committee – There shall be a Program Committee, appointed by the President, to have the responsibility of the annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio and to oversee programs of research and education by the chapter.
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the Infectious Diseases Society of Ohio at annual meeting, provided they have been presented in writing to the entire membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date of the meeting.